Show your appreciation to a deserving woman by presenting her with this elegant keepsake brooch. This beautiful decorative piece can be attached to a lapel, a sash, or even worn as a sparkling pendant necklace. The proud recipient of this exclusive award will know she deserves to join the ranks of American heroines – like Clara Barton. Recognize the outstanding woman in your life or organization with a Clara Barton Ladies Appreciation Pin. Celebrate her achievements, her dedication to service, or unfailing loyalty!

Click on the image below to order your Clara Barton pin today!

Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known as Clara, is one of the most honored women in American history. As founder of the American Red Cross, Clara is considered a visionary whose humanitarian spirit helped change the world.  Click here to read her biography.

The Boys in Blue Thank You!

Fraternity – Charity – Loyalty